Where can you see yourself next?

Older Employees

Older Employees

  • The hidden benefits of working after 50
  • Let’s talk about ageism in the workplace
  • The advantage of age in the legal industry

Jeff Bezos launched Amazon at 30, Samuel L Jackson’s big break came at 43, and Charles Darwin was 50 before he got his first book published.

Age is certainly no barrier to success – think Kim Kardashian’s burgeoning legal career for starters. And with the average life expectancy now nudging 85, limiting recruitment to under 50s is to ignore an entire swathe of well-seasoned talent that can add some serious value to your business. Sadly, many older employees often find their age is a barrier to new opportunities.

If you’re surrounded by a team of TikTok-ing Gen Zedders, here’s 6 key things you could be missing:

  1. Experience
    Older employees bring decades of invaluable skill, insight and expertise. Not only does this add depth and credibility to the wider team, it provides a mature work environment that resonates well both internally and externally. Significant experience is usually accompanied by the ability to confidently problem-solve and manage complex scenarios.
  2. Perspective
    Less worried about job titles or positions, employees over 50 tend to have a wider lens that focuses on adding value and understanding how they can best contribute to the business. They often present a different angle and can be a valuable resource for mentoring younger staff. This age group are also less likely to get hung up on salaries, making them excellent hiring value.
  3. Professional network
    With many years under their proverbial belt, mature employees are likely to have a vast roller deck of contacts that could be incredibly beneficial for business development, partnerships and recruitment. Relationships are fundamental to any business, and tapping into this valuable asset can really shift the dial when needed.
  4. Retention
    Older employees know the value of a good employer and are more likely to stay the course. This helps decrease the cost of onboarding associated with a high turnover of staff. They come armed with a strong work ethic, a deep sense of responsibility and are unlikely to require a trigger warning.
  5. Communication
    Having had a few years to refine their communication techniques, older employees have fantastic interpersonal skills which is essential for effective teamwork and client satisfaction. This is usually a direct result of existing in a pre-digital world, when it was considered OK to pick up the phone without making an appointment to call.
  6. Diversity
    Hiring older employees adds diversity and depth to the workforce which encourages an environment of respect, inclusivity and collaboration. If you’re looking to expand your team, it’s time to consider all the benefits of experience, maturity and perspective that only age can bring.
Alex Rees

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