01 Feb Leaving a positive trace
Montgomery is committed to sustainability.
Although we are an office-based business, we have seized every opportunity to impact the environment in a positive way:
- We reduce our energy and water consumption in the office by shutting down computers each day, keeping meeting room lights off when not in use, running the dishwasher only when it’s fully packed, and discarding yesterday’s drinking water in the planter boxes.
- We boast a strict waste management system that encourages staff to reuse or recycle, separate organic waste from landfill, and wherever possible, close the loop by buying recycled.
- We encourage staff to think of ways to generate as little waste as possible. For example: using keep cups for takeaway coffees and refillable drink bottles for water. We’ve just installed a barista-style coffee machine so staff can make cafe-style coffee in the office for themselves and for meetings. And again, we closed the loop by buying a refurbished coffee machine!
- We are committed to being a 100% paperless office, something that technology has allowed us to stick to pretty easily. Unless it’s absolutely necessary, no documents are printed by staff. Our record keeping is 100% online and we use virtual signatures for signing contracts. Consultants use laptops or iPads for meetings where they need to refer to documents. And…
- We have proudly committed to taking climate action, partnering with trace.org to gain our carbon-neutral certification.
What does ‘carbon neutral’ mean?
Being a carbon-neutral business means that we have done what we can to minimise any negative environmental impact of doing business and that we have chosen to offset the unavoidable emissions we generate.
About trace
Founded in Sydney and female-owned, trace plants trees and invests in projects that reduce or remove emissions from the atmosphere. You can learn more about trace and the projects they (and by extension ‘we’) are involved in here…
Montgomery’s Impact
We worked with the trace team to look at our carbon footprint as a business, as well as with individual team members. I’m proud to announce that we have already offset over 170 tonnes of CO2 and planted more than 1000 trees! Check out our Impacts Page which details one of the large Australian Conservation projects we have contributed to – the Mount Sandy Conservation Project.